How to grow an audience in LinkedIn

With modernization in full swing, the world has become smaller by being more connected. The digital platform has knitted the world into one unit. Due to the exchange cycle, communication has evolved from the barriers of language, crossing geophysical boundaries and time zones.

Talking about digital platforms, according to an online report by Kinsta (htt)LinkedIn has over 575+ million users, with more than 260 million monthly active users. Moreover, it has emerged as one of the most professional social networking sites. In this section we are going to talk about the measures to keep in mind, to gain an audience on LinkedIn.

Content is the official king of all digital platforms.

Endorse creativity and focus on the content, you put up. Your ideas should be your USP (Unique Selling Proposition). Various styles can be added in your content delivery, including informational style, persuasive style, and instruction based style. Information style includes passing information to potential customers. Persuasive style convinces the reader about an idea, and Instruction based style constitutes explaining in an easy language some technical steps to a non-technical audience.

To gain an audience on LinkedIn, it is important to understand your audience and your ultimate goal. While placing your content out, try to avoid clichés and redundancies. Explain with examples, pictures, discourse markers, and avoid using slangs to create a professional medium between you and your audience. Don’t forget to use gender-neutral and hedging words that avoid hurting the readers. The final step is to put yourself in the shoes of your readers i.e. your potential customers. This includes using authentic sources, better spacing, and visibility, usage of good pictures, etc and understanding why your readers should choose you over others.

In a country where the employment rate has always been a pain point in everyone’s career, posting job notifications on your LinkedIn page contributes to the positive tendencies of the audience. It will also increase diversity at the workplace and give a boost to cross-cultural communication.

The more, the merrier

Fulfill the above quote by putting your employees on task. Promote your Company Page beyond LinkedIn, because there is safety in numbers and many hands lessen the burden. They may be motivated to update their profile, endorse their work and workplace, indulge in groups and spread messages with their friends and colleagues

Success is not determined by unplanned leaps, it is specified by baby steps, one takes which is constant and regular.

Similarly to grow your audience apart from updating content regularly, it is important to schedule a time for your page. Keeping an eye over page analytics and looking at eminent personalities in your field to either collaborate or @mention your little efforts, will eventually help drive more traffic towards your page. You can access LinkedIn Company Page analytics, along with analytics for publishing on LinkedIn. , or LinkedIn Campaign Manager analytics for the same.

Compassion and courtesy never go out of fashion.

Make sure to reply to the comments made by your followers. It will help to consider your engagements on your page. To win in this game; we end up forgetting the essence of the first word, i.e. social. Consider it. Support your arguments with enough verbal and especially non-verbal inputs. Congratulate, support or protest, as the situation demands. 

You are never too perfect to learn, learning should be age-long.

The best example would be referring to your competitor’s page and making sure to get inspired by them instead of getting disheartened by their success graph. Find your uniqueness over them. Sponsored Content is a great tool on LinkedIn. 

It allows you to promote your content directly in the LinkedIn feeds of the professionals you want to reach on LinkedIn. Make sure to put your best foot forward, by promoting your best of the rest projects or content, because the first impression is the last impression. Follow up the world with popular hashtags.

The process is simple, yet efficient. When you add a hashtag to your post, it gets listed on search engines. People eventually lands on your page, following the keywords, further introducing your brand name to new, relevant audiences. 

Brand advocates

According to sprouts social, A brand advocate is someone who elevates your brand through word of mouth marketing. Brand advocates leave positive reviews about your product. They also refer to new customers and create content on your behalf. Brand advocates even contribute useful insights to your user personas. Now that a large percentage of customers seek social recommendations before buying, advocates are a powerful part of your marketing strategy.

Companies providing digital media solutions deliver the required boost to your stagnant business graph. One like Creative Stree empowers business ranging from small scale to large scale & helps to use the weapon of digital media and feel an edge over your competitors.

A LinkedIn company page is a major source to build rapport and communicate with your potential customers that are looking to be refined and learn as much as possible about your brand. By implementing some of these tips into your brand’s social media strategy, you can effectively grow your user base, ultimately leading to an increase in sales for your brand overall.


(n.d.). Retrieved from

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